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Love For Grantland

I know I'm not the first one to say it, but I can't stop reading the new Bill Simmons website, Grantland! Full disclosure: I'm a huge Simmons fan, listen to almost all of his podcasts (not the ones that are strictly reality TV), have long read his columns on, and constantly pester my friends with their thoughts on recent Simmons posts and rants.

KLOSTERMAN ROCKS. If you haven't already, check out anything by Chuck Klosterman.  He wrote a great piece about watching sports on your DVR, and how it's not as entertaining as watching it live. As he points out, pretty much everything else is better when you watch it later on your DVR, so why not sports? Really good stuff!

I admit that I stumbled upon Klosterman from his appearances on the BS Report podcast, although I know he has written books and I plan to read them soon. I look forward to more BS Report appearances from Klosterman, as he's always funny and thought-provoking.

THE PODCAST ROCKS.  The BS Report is one of my favorite parts of the site. Simmons and a guest sit down for a solid hour and riff, really delving into topics. The recent podcast with Dan LeBatard was very good, focusing on the Miami Heat's run. My favorite guests from past podcasts are: Adam Corolla, Patton Oswalt, Kevin Wildes, Jimmy Kimmel, Jeff Ross, and Norm McDonald.

A MUST READ ABOUT VIDEO GAMES:  Don't miss this phenomenal video game review (trust me, it's much deeper than that) written by Tom Bissell. It features L.A. Noire, the new release from Rockstar games, and examines the role of storytelling in video games. Do games like this need a good story to be enjoyable? It's definitely worth a read!
