Green Day - Church On Sunday - Here is a fantastic live performance of "Church on Sunday" by Green Day, which appeared on the album Warning. If I'm not mistaken, this TV appearance is from MTV's "First Listen", which aired back in 2000. For most fans, including myself, it was the first time we heard this song. It also features Billie Joe Armstrong playing a Les Paul Jr. guitar rather than his trademark Fender Strat. The song rocks and their performance is great, check it out!
THE "MY SHARONA" GUITAR SOLO - Am I crazy, or is the big guitar solo on "My Sharona" one of the best solos ever recorded? There was a time in my life (not long ago, actually) where I'd watch this video 20 times a day. It's the best live performance of this song I've seen, check it out! The Knack - My Sharona RANDOM THOUGHTS... Of course, the main guitar riff in this song is classic. The octave-jumping bass riff heard in the intro is also doubled by the guitar, and it was written by guitarist Berton Averre. I also think the first guitar break (you could probably call it a solo, Mr. Technically) at the 1:17 mark is really good. Today, however, I want to focus mainly on the full-blown celebration of life that is the big guitar solo... THE GUITAR SOLO (2:35 to 4:06) ... ... I'm almost appalled that this song is not mentioned in Guitar World's Top 100 Guitar Solos list. I mean, what the hell?! I'm sorry, but the "My Sha...
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